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Practice team

Practice management

Gerry Barclay, practice manager

Working closely with the surgery team, Gerry endeavours to ensure that the practice delivers the highest possible patient care that is focused on you as an individual.


Our admin team consists of Donna, Kate, Tracey and Helen. They are responsible for sending patient letters for check-ups, tests, cervical screening and immunisations. They also deal with the patient records and reports as well as financial systems, governance issues and the design of staff rotas.

They generate most of the audits that are needed for the practice and government and assist reception when required.


The reception team provide an important link for patients and can often help with general enquiries. They can offer basic information on services and results and direct you to the right person depending on your health issue or query. They are trained to ask you for some idea of what is happening to you so that the doctors can prioritise their work. All information given to them is treated as highly confidential.

They also deal with your prescriptions, new registrations, changes in your details and the incoming mail from hospitals.

The team members are Jenny (reception manager), Dawn, Gemma, Kate, Nicola, Natalie and Kerry.


Our medical secretary is Helen. Helen deals with patient referrals and in most cases will speak to patients to arrange your initial hospital appointment. We pride ourselves on a quick turn around and will often contact you within a day of the doctor deciding to refer you.

Helen also processes requests for medical reports and copies of your medical records from insurance companies, solicitors and other third parties.

Page published: 5 May 2023
Last updated: 6 February 2025